OPUS POSTH under Tatiana Grindenko's management
painting: Tatiana Yan
Сulture Сenter “HOUSE”

Haydn's music, written to the words spoken by Christ at the hour of Death on the Cross, occupies a very special place not only as a phenomenon of the musical culture of his time, but also in the entire history of European music. It was brought to life by order of the Archbishop of Cadiz (Spain) in 1785. This was an appeal to many leading composers of the time, but the only one who managed to transfer this theme to music was Haydn - so difficult was the task. Over more than two centuries of performance, the deep spiritual content of the music was gradually lost and today, from a solemn mass, it has turned into an ordinary concert, sounding quite rarely.

The process of emasculation of meaning that occurred with this work is a reflection of general trends characteristic of European culture. Humanity is moving further and further away from the original, basic values of life, simplifying the internal content, replacing it with an external form. And our contemporary needs to make a tremendous effort to break through the thickness of ruins and historical layers to the fundamental principle of existence, to what is the Beginning and the End.

The event is intended to serve as a revival of true live sound, returning music to the original meaning inherent in it by Haydn. This task is achieved, first of all, by a unique authentic performance that takes us to the sound space of the late 18th century. A distinctive feature of the action is its special scenography: the musicians sit in the center of the hall in a bright stream of light diverging from above in a cone, the audience is located around, and a picturesque row closes the entire space into a ring and acts as a natural barrier separating what is happening from the rest of the world and real time. In the combination of music and painting, which is a kind of reminiscence of the best examples of art of the Orthodox world of the 11th-16th centuries, a special state of immersion, the effect of presence is created for those present; for a short hour, a special, timeless, sacred space is created in the space of historical time.
The stage performance itself became a unique cultural event, a meeting-synthesis of European and Russian spiritual traditions, a revival of the true sound of this very special work.

The cycle for Haydn's Mass - 1
2003, 100х100, Oil on canvas

The cycle for Haydn's Mass - 2
2003, 100х100, Oil on canvas

The cycle for Haydn's Mass - 3
2003, 100х100, Oil on canvas

The cycle for Haydn's Mass - 4
2003, 100х100, Oil on canvas

The cycle for Haydn's Mass - 5
2003, 100х100, Oil on canvas

The cycle for Haydn's Mass - 6
2003, 100х100, Oil on canvas

The cycle for Haydn's Mass - 7
2003, 100х100, Oil on canvas

The cycle for Haydn's Mass - 8
2003, 100х100, Oil on canvas

The cycle for Haydn's Mass - 9
2003, 100х100, Oil on canvas

The cycle for Haydn's Mass - 10
2003, 100х100, Oil on canvas

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