FAMOUS PHRASE 1. Adorno, that today it has become self-evident that there is nothing self-evident in art, is an elegant pun confirming that this thought alone does not need to be mediated. All other statements about art must be justified.

Art is created in the cultural space. A well-known connection with a particular tradition confirms the work in a certain status.

Tatiana Yan's painting is not covertly drawn to tradition. And it's not about the origin of the ways of seeing and writing techniques, but about a meaningful intense dialogue. Perhaps this is most simply and clearly represented by the cycle of works "The Way to Cappadocia".

The metaphor of the path is always extremely capacious: it is about the search, about personal destiny, about the high content and meaning of life. And it is curious that the beginning of the cycle was laid before the real path. The starting point was photographs and stories about the preserved monuments of culture and art in the former Byzantine province, once an independent state, located today on the territory of Central Turkey.

With what eyes does the artist see the world? Is it only the "predatory eye of a simple carpenter", looking for harmony everywhere, that decides: the case? The attitude to the world for a meaningful person is always set by a semantic perspective.

Such a perspective for Tatiana Yan is the Orthodox faith. This does not make her art religious, but it is present in her work as a fundamental attitude to the world. This topic may not always be the subject of reflection: deeply personal, confessional, cannot be named, even being guessed at in creativity. But the dialogue with tradition, conducted in the space of artistic culture, is quite a public thing, secular and necessary for culture.

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